Business Formation in NC Made Easy When Our Concord Law Firm Is Involved
Forming a business in NC requires a particular process for the organization to be legal, including getting licensed by the State. The process includes:
Choosing a name
Deciding on a business structure
Registering with the State
Once you’ve chosen the name for your business and have decided on the type of structure best suits your new venture, you simply have to fill out the appropriate forms to get your business name registered in the State you are going to be housing the company.
Important Considerations
Factors to take into consideration when starting a new business are:
Your business objectives
Location of your business
Writing a business plan
Developing a clear concept of your expectations will help your business run more smoothly from the startup phase until you become established.
Doing Business Under Your Name
Your business title may be your legal name without consulting the state. However, if you choose a different name, the state considers it to be an assumed name. You must consult the Register of Deeds in the county in which you live to determine if the name is being used. This type of business entity is a sole proprietorship or general partnership.
Businesses Registered Under A Different Name
The business formation you choose can be changed when your business starts growing and showing a profit. Types of businesses are:
Sole Proprietorship
Limited Liability Company
Take Advantage of Legal Advice
Forming a business in NC if you’re in the Concord area, should always include consulting with our Concord business attorneys. Each kind of business entity has advantages and disadvantages. A law office that specializes in setting up a business can advise you on the formation you should use.
Business Trademarks
A search must be done by the office of the North Carolina Secretary of State to find out if the name is a registered trademark. The information regarding trademarks is available through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office if you wish to conduct a search.
Although each type of business formation seems easy to understand, there are subtle differences in the way each company is formed. It’s always advisable to hire business attorneys to handle the legal aspects of your new venture.
Call our Concord business attorneys to request a consultation. We’re available to assist you with the formation of your new business and to answer your questions.